Gặp “o du kích nhỏ”

<html> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'> <title> </title> </head> <div> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /></div> <div> <p style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #0000ff"><strong><span style="font-size: small">G&#7863p &ldquo;o du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887&rdquo;</span></strong></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> </span><em><span style="font-size: small">V&#7899i &ldquo;o du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887&rdquo; Nguy&#7877n Th&#7883 Kim Lai, c&ograve;n s&#7889ng tr&#7903 v&#7873 trong th&#7901i b&igrave;nh &#273&atilde; l&agrave; m&#7897t &#273i&#7873u k&#7923 di&#7879u, v&#7853y m&agrave; b&agrave; l&#7841i &#273&#432&#7907c g&#7863p &ldquo;th&#7857ng M&#7929 l&ecirc;nh kh&ecirc;nh&rdquo; n&#259m n&agrave;o.</span></em></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> G&#7847n n&#7917a th&#7871 k&#7927 &#273&atilde; tr&ocirc;i qua k&#7875 t&#7915 khi nhi&#7871p &#7843nh gia Phan Thoan ch&#7909p &#273&#432&#7907c b&#7913c &#7843nh O du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887 (c&ograve;n c&oacute; t&ecirc;n Uy th&#7871 kh&ocirc;ng l&#7921c Hoa K&#7923, Gi&#7843i gi&#7863c l&aacute;i M&#7929 hay O du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887 v&agrave; t&ecirc;n gi&#7863c l&aacute;i M&#7929), nh&acirc;n v&#7853t n&#7919 trong t&aacute;c ph&#7849m &#273&#432&#7907c x&#7871p v&agrave;o &ldquo;Tr&#259m n&#259m ki&#7879t t&aacute;c nhi&#7871p &#7843nh Vi&#7879t Nam&rdquo; n&agrave;y v&#7851n nh&#7899 nh&#432 in nh&#7919ng kho&#7843nh kh&#7855c l&#7883ch s&#7917. &ldquo;O du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887&rdquo; Nguy&#7877n Th&#7883 Kim Lai gi&#7901 &#273&atilde; g&#7847n 65 tu&#7893i, qu&aacute; kh&#7913 &#273&atilde; l&ugrave;i l&#7841i r&#7845t xa nh&#432ng k&yacute; &#7913c h&agrave;o h&ugrave;ng v&#7851n nh&#432 c&ograve;n v&#7865n nguy&ecirc;n.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><strong><span style="font-size: small"><br /> &ldquo;Anh h&ugrave;ng &#273&acirc;u c&#7913 ph&#7843i m&agrave;y r&acirc;u!&rdquo;</span></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> Kh&ocirc;ng h&#7865n tr&#432&#7899c m&agrave; &ldquo;o du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887&rdquo; ng&agrave;y x&#432a l&#7841i c&oacute; m&#7863t t&#7841i TPHCM trong nh&#7919ng ng&agrave;y th&aacute;ng 4 l&#7883ch s&#7917 n&agrave;y. Trong ng&ocirc;i nh&agrave; c&#7911a con trai &#7903 qu&#7853n Th&#7911 &#272&#7913c - TPHCM, &ldquo;o du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887&rdquo; &#273&atilde;&nbsp; &ldquo;ra d&aacute;ng&rdquo; m&#7897t ng&#432&#7901i b&agrave; r&#7845t m&#7921c chu &#273&aacute;o v&agrave; th&#432&#417ng y&ecirc;u con ch&aacute;u. N&#7909 c&#432&#7901i &#273&atilde; thanh th&#7843n tr&ecirc;n g&#432&#417ng m&#7863t &#7903 tu&#7893i x&#7871 chi&#7873u nh&#432ng &#273&ocirc;i m&#7855t c&#7911a b&agrave; c&#7913 s&oacute;ng s&aacute;nh khi ch&uacute;ng t&ocirc;i nh&#7855c l&#7841i chuy&#7879n x&#432a.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> Chi&#7871n tranh &#273&atilde; qua t&#7915 l&acirc;u nh&#432ng h&igrave;nh &#7843nh ki&ecirc;u h&ugrave;ng v&#7873 ng&#432&#7901i n&#7919 du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887 b&eacute; ng&agrave;y n&agrave;o v&#7851n m&atilde;i l&agrave; m&#7897t bi&#7875u t&#432&#7907ng &#273&#7865p trong tr&aacute;i tim h&agrave;ng tri&#7879u ng&#432&#7901i Vi&#7879t Nam v&agrave; b&#7841n b&egrave; qu&#7889c t&#7871. B&agrave; Lai cho bi&#7871t m&#7899i &#273&acirc;y, b&aacute;o ch&iacute; H&agrave; Lan c&#361ng &#273&atilde; c&#7917 ng&#432&#7901i v&#7873 t&#7853n H&agrave; T&#297nh &#273&#7875 g&#7863p l&#7841i nh&acirc;n ch&#7913ng s&#7889ng trong b&#7913c &#7843nh O du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> &ldquo;T&ocirc;i th&#7845y m&igrave;nh ch&#7881 l&agrave; m&#7897t h&#7841t c&aacute;t b&eacute; nh&#7887 gi&#7919a cu&#7897c s&#7889ng. Bi&#7871t bao chi&#7871n s&#297 &#273&atilde; ng&atilde; xu&#7889ng trong cu&#7897c chi&#7871n v&agrave; c&#361ng kh&ocirc;ng &#273&#7871m h&#7871t nh&#7919ng ng&#432&#7901i th&#7847m l&#7863ng v&#7873 l&#7841i v&#7899i th&#7901i b&igrave;nh. C&acirc;u chuy&#7879n c&#7911a t&ocirc;i c&#361ng b&igrave;nh th&#432&#7901ng th&ocirc;i n&#7871u so v&#7899i nh&#7919ng gian lao, m&#7845t m&aacute;t c&#7911a &#273&#7891ng &#273&#7897i&rdquo; - b&agrave; Lai th&#7893 l&#7897. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> B&#7913c &#7843nh ghi d&#7845u l&#7883ch s&#7917 &#273&#432&#7907c gia &#273&igrave;nh b&agrave; Lai treo trang tr&#7885ng &#7903 ph&ograve;ng kh&aacute;ch, &#273&#7875 &ldquo;m&#7895i l&#7847n nh&igrave;n l&agrave; m&#7895i l&#7847n nh&#7899&rdquo; m&#7897t qu&atilde;ng &#273&#7901i s&#7889ng h&#7871t m&igrave;nh v&igrave; l&yacute; t&#432&#7903ng c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng. &#7902 chi&#7871n tr&#432&#7901ng ng&agrave;y &#7845y, c&ocirc; g&aacute;i Kim Lai m&#7899i 17 tu&#7893i, nh&#7887 th&oacute;, ch&#7881 cao 1,47 m, n&#7863ng 37 kg nh&#432ng c&#7913 mu&#7889n x&ocirc;ng pha &#273&aacute;nh gi&#7863c. C&ocirc; gia nh&#7853p d&acirc;n qu&acirc;n t&#7921 v&#7879 khi kh&ocirc;ng qu&acirc;n M&#7929 m&#7903 chi&#7871n d&#7883ch c&agrave;n ph&aacute; c&#417 s&#7903 h&#7841 t&#7847ng c&#7911a mi&#7873n B&#7855c, ng&agrave;y &#273&ecirc;m cho m&aacute;y bay li&ecirc;n t&#7909c r&#7843i bom oanh t&#7841c.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> S&aacute;ng 20-9-1965, m&#7897t nh&oacute;m m&aacute;y bay &#273&#7883ch &#7853p &#273&#7871n t&#7845n c&ocirc;ng khu v&#7921c c&#7847u &#272&aacute; L&#7853u (nay l&agrave; c&#7847u L&#7897c Y&ecirc;n, th&#7883 tr&#7845n H&#432&#417ng Kh&ecirc;, huy&#7879n H&#432&#417ng Kh&ecirc; - H&agrave; T&#297nh). M&#7897t m&aacute;y bay M&#7929 b&#7883 b&#7855n r&#417i v&agrave; &#273&#7897i d&acirc;n qu&acirc;n ph&aacute;t hi&#7879n m&#7897t vi&ecirc;n phi c&ocirc;ng nh&#7843y d&ugrave; t&#7849u tho&aacute;t. Cu&#7897c v&acirc;y b&#7855t k&eacute;o d&agrave;i &#273&#7871n t&#7853n 20 gi&#7901 v&agrave; n&#7919 d&acirc;n qu&acirc;n Kim Lai &#273&atilde; ph&aacute;t hi&#7879n vi&ecirc;n phi c&ocirc;ng, c&ocirc; li&#7873n b&#7855n s&uacute;ng b&aacute;o hi&#7879u cho &#273&#7891ng &#273&#7897i.</span></p> <p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: small"><img alt="" width="448" height="336" src="1.jpg" /></span></p> <p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: small"><em>B&agrave; Nguy&#7877n Th&#7883 Kim Lai v&#7899i ch&aacute;u n&#7897i &#7903 qu&#7853n Th&#7911 &#272&#7913c - TPHCM. &#7842nh: &#272&#258NG L&Ecirc;</em></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small">&nbsp;&ldquo;L&uacute;c &#7845y t&ocirc;i m&#7899i v&agrave;o d&acirc;n qu&acirc;n, c&ograve;n ch&#432a th&#7841o s&uacute;ng &#273&#7841n n&ecirc;n ho&agrave;n to&agrave;n c&oacute; th&#7875 b&#7883 vi&ecirc;n phi c&ocirc;ng M&#7929 b&#7855n h&#7841. Th&#7871 nh&#432ng, William Andrew Robinson &#273&atilde; kh&ocirc;ng ra tay. Sau n&agrave;y g&#7863p l&#7841i Robinson, t&ocirc;i m&#7899i bi&#7871t r&#7857ng l&uacute;c &#273&oacute;, &ocirc;ng kh&ocirc;ng b&oacute;p c&ograve; v&igrave; nh&igrave;n th&#7845y t&ocirc;i, &ocirc;ng nh&#7899 &#273&#7871n &#273&#7913a em g&aacute;i nh&#7887 &#7903 qu&ecirc; nh&agrave;&rdquo; - b&agrave; Lai h&#7891i t&#432&#7903ng. M&#7897t kho&#7843nh kh&#7855c ch&#7847n ch&#7915, l&#7921a ch&#7885n c&#7911a vi&ecirc;n phi c&ocirc;ng &#273&atilde; l&agrave;m thay &#273&#7893i c&#7843 hai cu&#7897c &#273&#7901i. &ldquo;N&#7871u l&uacute;c &#7845y Robinson b&#7855n tr&#7843, t&ocirc;i &#273&atilde; kh&ocirc;ng c&ograve;n s&#7889ng &#273&#7871n h&ocirc;m nay v&agrave; c&oacute; th&#7875 ngay sau &#273&oacute;, &ocirc;ng c&#361ng b&#7883 qu&acirc;n ta ti&ecirc;u di&#7879t&rdquo; - b&agrave; Lai nh&igrave;n nh&#7853n. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> L&uacute;c Kim Lai tr&oacute;i g&ocirc; &#273&#432&#7907c vi&ecirc;n phi c&ocirc;ng to k&#7873nh c&agrave;ng - cao t&#7899i 2,2 m v&agrave; n&#7863ng 125 kg, &#273&#7891ng &#273&#7897i th&#7845y c&ocirc; qu&aacute; &#273&#7889i ngh&#7883ch v&#7899i&nbsp; tay l&iacute;nh M&#7929 n&ecirc;n &#273&ugrave;a nhau: &ldquo;O Lai &aacute;p gi&#7843i y &#273&#7875 coi sao&rdquo;. V&#7853y l&agrave; c&ocirc; g&aacute;i nh&#7887 tu&#7893i v&agrave; c&#361ng nh&#7887 con nh&#7845t &#273&#7897i c&#7913 th&#7871 &#273i ph&iacute;a sau, ki&ecirc;u h&atilde;nh ch&#297a s&uacute;ng gi&#7843i &ldquo;th&#7857ng M&#7929 l&ecirc;nh kh&ecirc;nh&rdquo; &#273i b&#7897 m&#432&#7901i m&#7845y c&acirc;y s&#7889. Kh&ocirc;ng ng&#7901, h&igrave;nh &#7843nh &#273&oacute; &#273&atilde; &#273&#432&#7907c nhi&#7871p &#7843nh gia Phan Thoan ghi l&#7841i. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> N&#259m 1966, b&#7913c &#7843nh &#273&#432&#7907c tr&#432ng b&agrave;y trong tri&#7875n l&atilde;m &#7843nh to&agrave;n qu&#7889c, &#273&#432&#7907c ng&agrave;nh b&#432u ch&iacute;nh in th&agrave;nh tem, r&#7891i tr&#7903 th&agrave;nh t&aacute;c ph&#7849m b&#7845t h&#7911 v&#7899i nh&#7919ng c&acirc;u th&#417 c&#7911a nh&agrave; th&#417 T&#7889 H&#7919u: O du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887 gi&#432&#417ng cao s&uacute;ng - Th&#7857ng M&#7929 l&ecirc;nh kh&ecirc;nh b&#432&#7899c c&uacute;i &#273&#7847u - Ra th&#7871! To gan h&#417n b&eacute;o b&#7909ng - Anh h&ugrave;ng &#273&acirc;u c&#7913 ph&#7843i m&agrave;y r&acirc;u!</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> &ldquo;M&#7845y n&#259m sau &#273&oacute;, t&igrave;nh c&#7901 t&ocirc;i nh&#7853n &#273&#432&#7907c th&#432 c&#7911a m&#7897t ng&#432&#7901i b&#7841n ngo&agrave;i B&#7855c. Th&#7845y con tem c&oacute; in h&igrave;nh m&igrave;nh, t&ocirc;i g&#7905 ra khoe v&#7899i m&#7897t anh b&#7841n c&ugrave;ng &#273&#417n v&#7883. Th&#7871 nh&#432ng, t&ocirc;i c&#361ng d&#7863n anh &#7845y &#273&#7915ng n&oacute;i cho ai bi&#7871t, x&#7845u h&#7893 ch&#7871t!&rdquo; - b&agrave; Lai nh&#7899 l&#7841i m&#7897t th&#7901i &ldquo;bu&#7891n vui g&igrave; c&#361ng h&#7871t s&#7913c h&#7891n nhi&ecirc;n&rdquo;. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><strong><span style="font-size: small"><br /> Tr&ugrave;ng ph&ugrave;ng v&agrave; th&#7913 tha</span></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> Trong ng&ocirc;i nh&agrave; &#7903 x&atilde; Ph&uacute; Phong, huy&#7879n H&#432&#417ng Kh&ecirc; - H&agrave; T&#297nh, b&agrave; Lai v&#7851n c&ograve;n gi&#7919 t&#7845m ch&#259n &#273&#432&#7907c may t&#7915 chi&#7871c d&ugrave; ph&aacute;o s&aacute;ng nh&#432 m&#7897t k&#7927 v&#7853t qu&yacute; gi&aacute; mang v&#7873 t&#7915 cu&#7897c chi&#7871n. V&#7899i b&agrave;, cu&#7897c chi&#7871n &#7845y &#273&acirc;u ch&#7881 c&oacute; h&igrave;nh &#7843nh ki&ecirc;u h&ugrave;ng nh&#432 l&uacute;c ng&#7849ng cao &#273&#7847u &aacute;p gi&#7843i vi&ecirc;n phi c&ocirc;ng M&#7929 &#7903 c&#7847u &#272&aacute; L&#7853u, m&agrave; c&ograve;n c&#7843 m&#7897t ch&#7863ng d&agrave;i sau &#273&oacute; ph&#7843i &#273&#7889i m&#7863t v&#7899i bi&#7871t bao gian nguy m&agrave; ranh gi&#7899i c&#7911a s&#7921 s&#7889ng v&agrave; c&aacute;i ch&#7871t mong manh nh&#432 s&#7907i t&oacute;c. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> &ldquo;C&oacute; khi ch&#7881 v&agrave;i b&#432&#7899c ch&acirc;n th&ocirc;i m&agrave; &#273&atilde; th&#7845y &#273&#7891ng &#273&#7897i ng&atilde; xu&#7889ng. C&oacute; ng&#432&#7901i m&#7899i n&oacute;i chuy&#7879n v&#7899i nhau bu&#7893i s&aacute;ng th&igrave; bu&#7893i chi&#7873u &#273&atilde; hy sinh. Ch&uacute;ng t&ocirc;i h&#7891i &#273&oacute; ch&#7881 bi&#7871t s&#7889ng tr&#7885n h&ocirc;m nay v&agrave; chi&#7871n &#273&#7845u h&#7871t m&igrave;nh, ch&#7859ng ai r&otilde; c&oacute; th&#7875 c&ograve;n s&#7889ng &#273&#7871n h&ocirc;m sau kh&ocirc;ng&rdquo; - b&agrave; Lai r&#432ng r&#432ng nh&#7855c l&#7841i. </span></p> <p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: small"><img alt="" width="336" height="446" src="2.jpg" /></span></p> <p style="text-align: center"><em><span style="font-size: small">Hai b&#7913c &#7843nh ch&#7909p c&aacute;ch nhau 30 n&#259m, hai nh&acirc;n v&#7853t &#7903 th&#7871 &#273&#7889i &#273&#7847u &#273&atilde; tr&#7903 n&ecirc;n th&acirc;n thi&#7871t</span></em></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> &#272&#432&#7907c &#273i&#7873u v&#7873 l&agrave;m c&ocirc;ng t&aacute;c c&#7913u th&#432&#417ng &#7903 m&#7863t tr&#7853n B5 - Qu&#7843ng Tr&#7883, 26 c&ocirc; g&aacute;i &#273i c&ugrave;ng nhau th&igrave; ch&#7881 c&oacute; 5 ng&#432&#7901i &#273&#7871n n&#417i. &ldquo;Nh&#7919ng &#273&#7891ng &#273&#7897i sinh t&#7917 c&oacute; nhau l&#7847n l&#432&#7907t ra &#273i, c&oacute; ng&#432&#7901i hy sinh ngay tr&#432&#7899c m&#7855t t&ocirc;i, ch&iacute;nh t&ocirc;i ph&#7843i g&#7841t n&#432&#7899c m&#7855t t&#7845t t&#7843 c&aacute;ng th&#432&#417ng &#273&#432a h&#7885 &#273i an t&aacute;ng&rdquo; - b&agrave; Lai h&#7891i t&#432&#7903ng. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> V&#7873 m&#7863t tr&#7853n B5 - Qu&#7843ng Tr&#7883, tuy kh&ocirc;ng tr&#7921c ti&#7871p c&#7847m s&uacute;ng chi&#7871n &#273&#7845u nh&#432ng Kim Lai c&ugrave;ng &#273&#7897i c&#7913u th&#432&#417ng v&#7851n lu&ocirc;n ph&#7843i c&oacute; m&#7863t &#7903 nh&#7919ng v&#7883 tr&iacute; nguy hi&#7875m nh&#7845t &#273&#7875 k&#7883p th&#7901i c&#7845p c&#7913u, ch&#7919a tr&#7883 cho c&aacute;c chi&#7871n s&#297. &ldquo;M&#7863t tr&#7853n kh&ocirc;ng l&uacute;c n&agrave;o im ti&#7871ng s&uacute;ng, l&uacute;c n&agrave;o c&#361ng trong t&igrave;nh tr&#7841ng b&aacute;o &#273&#7897ng, &#273&#432&#7907c tin c&oacute; th&#432&#417ng b&#7879nh binh l&agrave; gi&aacute; n&agrave;o ch&uacute;ng t&ocirc;i c&#361ng ph&#7843i &#273&#432a c&aacute;c chi&#7871n s&#297 v&#7873 tr&#7841i an to&agrave;n. Nh&#432ng tr&aacute;nh sao &#273&#432&#7907c nh&#7919ng cu&#7897c c&agrave;n qu&eacute;t, c&#7913 ch&#7841y trong m&#432a bom b&atilde;o &#273&#7841n, ch&uacute;ng t&ocirc;i lu&ocirc;n ngh&#297 c&oacute; th&#7875 hy sinh b&#7845t c&#7913 l&uacute;c n&agrave;o. Ch&#7881 c&oacute; &#273i&#7873u, m&igrave;nh ch&#7871t th&igrave; xong ph&#7847n m&igrave;nh nh&#432ng th&#432&#417ng anh em chi&#7871n s&#297 kh&ocirc;ng ai ch&#259m s&oacute;c, ch&#7919a tr&#7883&rdquo; - b&agrave; Lai b&#7891i h&#7891i. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> V&#7853y n&ecirc;n, v&#7899i &ldquo;o du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887&rdquo;, c&ograve;n s&#7889ng tr&#7903 v&#7873 trong th&#7901i b&igrave;nh &#273&atilde; l&agrave; m&#7897t &#273i&#7873u k&#7923 di&#7879u, v&#7853y m&agrave; c&ocirc; c&ograve;n g&#7863p l&#7841i &ocirc;ng Robinson - vi&ecirc;n phi c&ocirc;ng M&#7929 n&#259m n&agrave;o. N&#259m 1995, &#273&agrave;i truy&#7873n h&igrave;nh NHK c&#7911a Nh&#7853t B&#7843n &#273&#7871n Vi&#7879t Nam th&#7921c hi&#7879n ph&oacute;ng s&#7921 v&#7873 cu&#7897c &#273&#7901i c&#7911a nh&acirc;n v&#7853t trong b&#7913c &#7843nh O du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887 v&agrave; gia &#273&igrave;nh &ocirc;ng Robinson &#273&atilde; c&oacute; m&#7863t t&#7841i c&#259n nh&agrave; c&#7911a b&agrave; Lai &#7903 H&agrave; T&#297nh.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> &ldquo;L&uacute;c g&#7863p t&ocirc;i, c&acirc;u &#273&#7847u ti&ecirc;n &ocirc;ng &#7845y n&oacute;i l&agrave;: &ldquo;C&ocirc; v&#7851n ch&#7859ng l&#7899n &#273&#432&#7907c bao nhi&ecirc;u&rdquo;! Th&#7853t ra, l&uacute;c &#273&oacute; t&ocirc;i &#273&atilde; n&#7863ng 43 kg nh&#432ng &ocirc;ng &#7845y &#273&atilde; t&#259ng l&ecirc;n 150 kg&rdquo; - b&agrave; Lai c&#432&#7901i, k&#7875 l&#7841i. Cu&#7897c tr&ugrave;ng ph&ugrave;ng trong th&#7901i b&igrave;nh gi&#7919a 2 ng&#432&#7901i &#273&atilde; t&#7915ng &#273&#7913ng &#7903 hai &#273&#7847u chi&#7871n tuy&#7871n s&#7861n s&agrave;ng x&#7843 s&uacute;ng v&agrave;o nhau h&oacute;a ra c&#361ng nh&#7865 nh&otilde;m nh&#432 n&#7909 c&#432&#7901i h&#7885 d&agrave;nh cho nhau. &ldquo;L&uacute;c &#273&oacute;, Robinson m&#7899i c&#432&#7899i v&#7907, t&ocirc;i c&#361ng c&oacute; ch&#7891ng con, cu&#7897c s&#7889ng &#273&atilde; y&ecirc;n &#7893n. Qu&aacute; kh&#7913 d&ugrave; nh&#432 th&#7871 n&agrave;o th&igrave; v&#7851n m&atilde;i l&agrave; qu&aacute; kh&#7913. Ch&uacute;ng t&ocirc;i g&#7863p l&#7841i nhau, nh&#7855c l&#7841i chuy&#7879n x&#432a nh&#432 nh&#7919ng ng&#432&#7901i &#273&atilde; quen thu&#7897c v&agrave; xem ng&agrave;y th&aacute;ng c&#361 l&agrave; k&#7927 ni&#7879m&rdquo; - b&agrave; Lai h&#7891n h&#7853u.</span></p> <p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: small"><img alt="" width="283" height="448" src="3.jpg" /></span></p> <p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: small"><em>&#273&#432&#7907c gia &#273&igrave;nh &quot;o du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887&quot; treo trang tr&#7885ng b&ecirc;n nhau &#7903 ph&ograve;ng kh&aacute;ch</em></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> B&#7913c &#7843nh b&agrave; Lai ch&#7909p c&ugrave;ng &ocirc;ng Robinson trong cu&#7897c t&#432&#417ng ph&ugrave;ng h&ocirc;m &#273&oacute; c&#361ng &#273&#432&#7907c b&agrave; treo trang tr&#7885ng b&ecirc;n c&#7841nh khung h&igrave;nh O du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887. Ng&#7855m 2 b&#7913c &#7843nh, ch&uacute;ng t&ocirc;i v&#7905 l&#7869 r&#7857ng gi&aacute; tr&#7883 c&#7911a th&#7901i gian l&agrave; &#273&#7875 ng&#432&#7901i ta nh&#7853n ra nhau, hi&#7875u th&#7845u v&agrave; g&oacute;i tr&#7885n t&#7845m l&ograve;ng b&#7857ng s&#7921 tha th&#7913, bao dung.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> G&#7847n n&#7917a th&#7871 k&#7927 &#273&atilde; tr&ocirc;i qua, ni&#7873m vui c&#7911a &ldquo;o du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887&rdquo; ng&agrave;y n&agrave;o b&acirc;y gi&#7901 l&agrave; sum v&#7847y c&ugrave;ng con ch&aacute;u - b&agrave; c&oacute; 4 ng&#432&#7901i con v&agrave; 8 &#273&#7913a ch&aacute;u. &ldquo;Th&#7871 h&#7879 tr&#7867 b&acirc;y gi&#7901 kh&oacute; th&#7875 hi&#7875u h&#7871t &#273&#432&#7907c s&#7921 m&#7845t m&aacute;t, hy sinh c&#7911a th&#7871 h&#7879 tr&#432&#7899c. Th&#7871 nh&#432ng, t&ocirc;i mong r&#7857ng nh&#7919ng r&#432&#7901ng c&#7897t t&#432&#417ng lai s&#7869 hi&#7875u &#273&#432&#7907c m&igrave;nh c&oacute; vai tr&ograve; v&agrave; tr&aacute;ch nhi&#7879m to l&#7899n nh&#432 th&#7871 n&agrave;o trong vi&#7879c x&acirc;y d&#7921ng v&agrave; c&#7889ng hi&#7871n cho &#273&#7845t n&#432&#7899c&rdquo; - &ldquo;o du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887&rdquo; Nguy&#7877n Th&#7883 Kim Lai k&#7923 v&#7885ng. </span></p> <table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="731" height="385" style="width: 731px; height: 385px"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p style="text-align: justify"><em><strong><span style="font-size: small">Hai l&#7847n g&#7863p nh&agrave; th&#417 T&#7889 H&#7919u</span></strong></em></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> Nh&#7901 b&#7913c &#7843nh O du k&iacute;ch nh&#7887 m&agrave; b&agrave; Lai c&oacute; d&#7883p tr&ograve; chuy&#7879n v&#7899i nh&agrave; th&#417 T&#7889 H&#7919u l&uacute;c sinh th&#7901i hai l&#7847n. L&#7847n th&#7913 nh&#7845t v&agrave;o n&#259m 1973, khi nh&agrave; th&#417 T&#7889 H&#7919u l&agrave; Ph&oacute; Th&#7911 t&#432&#7899ng Th&#432&#7901ng tr&#7921c Ch&iacute;nh ph&#7911. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> B&agrave; Lai nh&#7899 l&#7841i: &ldquo;L&uacute;c &#273&oacute; t&ocirc;i 24 tu&#7893i, c&#361ng c&ograve;n kh&#7901 kh&#7841o l&#7855m, kh&ocirc;ng bi&#7871t &ocirc;ng l&agrave; t&aacute;c gi&#7843 b&agrave;i th&#417. Nh&agrave; th&#417 T&#7889 H&#7919u g&#7885i t&ocirc;i b&#7857ng ch&aacute;u, c&ograve;n tr&ecirc;u t&ocirc;i: &ldquo;C&oacute; n&oacute;i chuy&#7879n v&#7899i ai th&igrave; ch&aacute;u &#273&#7915ng c&oacute; c&#432&#7901i, c&#432&#7901i l&agrave; ch&#7871t kh&#7889i ch&agrave;ng trai &#273&#7845y!&rdquo;.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> L&#7847n th&#7913 hai &#273&#432&#7907c g&#7863p nh&agrave; th&#417 T&#7889 H&#7919u c&ugrave;ng &ocirc;ng Ho&agrave;ng Qu&#7889c Vi&#7879t, nguy&ecirc;n B&iacute; th&#432 T&#7893ng b&#7897 Vi&#7879t Minh, l&uacute;c &#273&oacute; b&agrave; Lai &#273ang theo h&#7885c ng&agrave;nh ng&acirc;n h&agrave;ng. V&igrave; l&#7901i khuy&ecirc;n c&#7911a &ocirc;ng Ho&agrave;ng Qu&#7889c Vi&#7879t: &ldquo;Ch&aacute;u c&oacute; &#273&ocirc;i b&agrave;n tay c&#7911a ng&#432&#7901i ch&#7919a b&#7879nh, h&atilde;y quay tr&#7903 l&#7841i v&#7899i c&ocirc;ng vi&#7879c c&#361 &#273&#7875 gi&uacute;p ng&#432&#7901i &#273i ch&aacute;u &#7841&rdquo;, b&agrave; Lai &#273&atilde; tr&#7903 v&#7873 l&agrave;m vi&#7879c t&#7841i B&#7879nh vi&#7879n Y h&#7885c c&#7893 truy&#7873n H&agrave; T&#297nh. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small"><br /> &#272&acirc;y c&#361ng l&agrave; n&#417i &#273&atilde; gieo m&#7847m t&igrave;nh y&ecirc;u cho c&ocirc; &#273i&#7873u d&#432&#7905ng vi&ecirc;n xinh x&#7855n Nguy&#7877n Th&#7883 Kim Lai v&agrave; anh th&#432&#417ng binh - sau n&agrave;y l&agrave; li&#7879t s&#297 - Nguy&#7877n Anh &#272&#7913c.</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p style="text-align: right"><strong>&nbsp;<span style="font-size: small">TI&#7874U QUY&Ecirc;N &ndash; &#272&#258NG L&Ecirc;</span></strong></p> <p style="text-align: right"><em><span style="font-size: small">(Theo b&aacute;o Ng&#432&#7901i lao &#273&#7897ng)</span></em></p> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </html>



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