Những chỉ dẫn của Hồ Chí Minh về Đảng và Đảng cầm quyền

<html> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'> <title> </title> </head> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div class="text" style="text-align: justify; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 12px; font-family: arial; color: rgb(0, 7, 17); line-height: 1.4;"> <table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="1" align="left" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td><img class="avatar" src="http://www.tapchicongsan.org.vn/Stories/Story.axd?ID=31811" style="padding: 0px 0px 3px;" alt="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="avatardesc" style="font-style: italic; font-stretch: normal; font-family: arial; color: rgb(233, 49, 23); padding: 3px;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Ch&#7911 t&#7883ch H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh ph&aacute;t bi&#7875u t&#7841i &#272&#7841i h&#7897i &#273&#7841i bi&#7875u to&agrave;n qu&#7889c &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n Vi&#7879t Nam l&#7847n th&#7913 2 t&#7841i x&atilde; Vinh Quang, huy&#7879n Chi&ecirc;m H&oacute;a, t&#7881nh Tuy&ecirc;n Quang</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="teaser" style="padding-top: 3px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4;"><span id="DP29_PM29_lblTeaser" class="text" style="font-weight: bold; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4;"> <p align="justify"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman">T&#7915 nh&#7919ng ch&#7881 d&#7851n c&#7911a H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh v&#7873 &#272&#7843ng v&agrave; &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n t&#7899i x&acirc;y d&#7921ng v&agrave; th&#7921c hi&#7879n phong c&aacute;ch l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o, c&#7847m quy&#7873n khoa h&#7885c, d&acirc;n ch&#7911 v&agrave; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c c&#7911a &#272&#7843ng nh&#7857m l&agrave;m cho &#272&#7843ng trong s&#7841ch v&#7919ng m&#7841nh, x&#7913ng &#273&aacute;ng l&agrave; m&#7897t &#272&#7843ng l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o c&#7847m quy&#7873n, x&#7913ng &#273&aacute;ng v&#7899i ni&#7873m tin c&#7911a d&acirc;n v&agrave;o &#272&#7843ng l&agrave; nh&#7919ng v&#7845n &#273&#7873 quan tr&#7885ng &#273&#432&#7907c &#273&#7873 c&#7853p trong b&agrave;i vi&#7871t &ldquo;Khoa h&#7885c, d&acirc;n ch&#7911, &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c - Ba &#273i&#7873u c&#7847n thi&#7871t &#273&#7889i v&#7899i &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n&rdquo; c&#7911a gi&aacute;o s&#432 - ti&#7871n s&#7929 Ho&agrave;ng Ch&iacute; B&#7843o, H&#7897i &#273&#7891ng L&yacute; lu&#7853n Trung &#432&#417ng.</font></p> </span></div> <p align="justify"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Nh&acirc;n k&#7927 ni&#7879m 85 n&#259m th&agrave;nh l&#7853p &#272&#7843ng, T&#7841p ch&iacute; C&#7897ng s&#7843n &#273i&#7879n t&#7917 tr&acirc;n tr&#7885ng gi&#7899i thi&#7879u b&agrave;i vi&#7871t.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Trong Di ch&uacute;c &#273&#7875 l&#7841i cho &#273&#7891ng b&agrave;o, &#273&#7891ng ch&iacute;, B&aacute;c H&#7891 c&#259n d&#7863n bao &#273i&#7873u h&#7879 tr&#7885ng, m&agrave; &ldquo;Tr&#432&#7899c h&#7871t n&oacute;i v&#7873 &#272&#7843ng&rdquo; v&agrave; &ldquo;&#272&#7847u ti&ecirc;n l&agrave; c&ocirc;ng vi&#7879c &#273&#7889i v&#7899i con ng&#432&#7901i&rdquo;.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">C&#361ng trong b&#7843n Di ch&uacute;c thi&ecirc;ng li&ecirc;ng, Ng&#432&#7901i kh&#7859ng &#273&#7883nh &ldquo;&#272&#7843ng ta l&agrave; m&#7897t &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n&rdquo;.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">&#272&#7885c l&#7841i b&#7843n Di ch&uacute;c h&#417n 1.000 t&#7915 c&#361ng nh&#432 nh&#7919ng t&aacute;c ph&#7849m kh&aacute;c c&#7911a H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh xung quanh ch&#7911 &#273&#7873 v&#7873 &#272&#7843ng, v&#7873 x&acirc;y d&#7921ng v&agrave; ch&#7881nh &#273&#7889n &#272&#7843ng trong nh&#7919ng th&#7901i &#273i&#7875m b&#432&#7899c ngo&#7863t, &#7903 nh&#7919ng th&#7901i k&#7923 l&#7883ch s&#7917 kh&aacute;c nhau v&#7899i n&#7895 l&#7921c th&#7845u hi&#7875u v&agrave; th&#7845u c&#7843m v&#7873 Ng&#432&#7901i, ta nh&#7853n ra r&#7857ng, H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh th&#7921c s&#7921 c&oacute; ch&#7911 ki&#7871n, ch&#7911 thuy&#7871t v&#7873 &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i s&aacute;ng l&#7853p &#272&#7843ng ta c&#361ng &#273&#7891ng th&#7901i l&agrave; t&aacute;c gi&#7843 &#273&#7847u ti&ecirc;n so&#7841n th&#7843o ch&iacute;nh c&#432&#417ng, s&aacute;ch l&#432&#7907c v&#7855n t&#7855t, &#273i&#7873u l&#7879 &#272&#7843ng v&#7855n t&#7855t. Ng&#432&#7901i c&#361ng l&agrave; t&aacute;c gi&#7843 c&#7911a b&#7913c th&#432 g&#7917i to&agrave;n th&#7875 qu&#7889c d&acirc;n &#273&#7891ng b&agrave;o nh&acirc;n s&#7921 ki&#7879n &#272&#7843ng ra &#273&#7901i. V&#7855n t&#7855t ngh&#297a l&agrave; ng&#7855n g&#7885n, c&ocirc; &#273&uacute;c, h&agrave;m x&uacute;c, gi&#7843n d&#7883, s&acirc;u s&#7855c. Nh&#7919ng t&#432 t&#432&#7903ng l&#7899n m&agrave; Ng&#432&#7901i truy&#7873n t&#7843i l&#7841i ch&#7913a &#273&#7921ng trong h&igrave;nh th&#7913c gi&#7843n d&#7883 c&#7911a ng&ocirc;n t&#7915, l&#7845y c&aacute;i t&#7889i thi&#7875u &#273&#7875 truy&#7873n d&#7851n c&aacute;i t&#7889i &#273a, ch&#7919 &iacute;t nh&#7845t m&agrave; ngh&#297a nhi&#7873u nh&#7845t. Phong c&aacute;ch, b&#7843n l&#297nh &#7845y th&#7875 hi&#7879n n&#259ng l&#7921c l&agrave;m ch&#7911 l&yacute; lu&#7853n, ti&ecirc;u h&oacute;a nhu&#7847n nhuy&#7877n l&yacute; lu&#7853n trong th&#7921c ti&#7877n, l&agrave; m&#7851u m&#7921c b&#7853c th&#7847y v&#7873 s&#7921 th&#7889ng nh&#7845t l&yacute; lu&#7853n v&#7899i th&#7921c ti&#7877n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i t&#7915ng n&oacute;i, th&#7889ng nh&#7845t l&yacute; lu&#7853n v&#7899i th&#7921c ti&#7877n l&agrave; nguy&ecirc;n t&#7855c t&#7889i cao c&#7911a ch&#7911 ngh&#297a M&aacute;c-L&ecirc;nin. L&agrave;m ch&#7911 l&yacute; lu&#7853n, d&ugrave;ng l&yacute; lu&#7853n nh&#432 m&#7897t ph&#432&#417ng ph&aacute;p, Ng&#432&#7901i l&agrave; m&#7897t minh ch&#7913ng &#273&#7841t &#273&#7871n t&#7847m kinh &#273i&#7875n v&#7873 s&#7921 s&aacute;ng t&#7841o ch&#7911 ngh&#297a Mac, ch&#7911 ngh&#297a L&ecirc;nin v&agrave; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a M&aacute;c-L&ecirc;nin trong th&#7871 k&#7927 20 - th&#7871 k&#7927 in &#273&#7853m d&#7845u &#7845n c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i - l&#7853p &#272&#7843ng, l&#7853p N&#432&#7899c, &ldquo;&#273&aacute;nh th&#7855ng hai &#273&#7871 qu&#7889c to&rdquo;, d&#7851n d&#7855t to&agrave;n &#272&#7843ng to&agrave;n d&acirc;n v&#7919ng b&#432&#7899c tr&ecirc;n con &#273&#432&#7901ng l&#7899n c&#7911a l&#7883ch s&#7917, &#273&#7897c l&#7853p d&acirc;n t&#7897c v&agrave; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a x&atilde; h&#7897i, &#273&#7897c l&#7853p d&acirc;n t&#7897c g&#7855n li&#7873n v&#7899i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a x&atilde; h&#7897i.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">T&#7915 vi&#7879c ph&aacute;t hi&#7879n ra t&iacute;nh &#273&#7863c th&ugrave; trong quy lu&#7853t th&agrave;nh l&#7853p &#272&#7843ng, ngo&agrave;i s&#7921 k&#7871t h&#7907p gi&#7919a ch&#7911 ngh&#297a M&aacute;c-L&ecirc;nin v&#7899i phong tr&agrave;o c&ocirc;ng nh&acirc;n, &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n Vi&#7879t Nam c&ograve;n l&agrave; s&#7843n ph&#7849m c&#7911a s&#7921 k&#7871t h&#7907p v&#7899i phong tr&agrave;o y&ecirc;u n&#432&#7899c c&#7911a nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n ta, b&#7855t ngu&#7891n t&#7915 truy&#7873n th&#7889ng y&ecirc;u n&#432&#7899c c&#7911a d&acirc;n t&#7897c Vi&#7879t Nam, Nguy&#7877n &Aacute;i Qu&#7889c - H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh &#273&atilde; l&yacute; gi&#7843i s&acirc;u s&#7855c v&#7873 m&#7889i li&ecirc;n h&#7879 m&aacute;u th&#7883t gi&#7919a &#272&#7843ng v&#7899i nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n, v&#7899i d&acirc;n t&#7897c.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Nh&#7901 c&oacute; s&#7913c m&#7841nh c&#7911a nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n, t&#7915 b&#7879 &#273&#7905 c&#7911a truy&#7873n th&#7889ng y&ecirc;u n&#432&#7899c c&#7911a d&acirc;n t&#7897c m&agrave; giai c&#7845p c&ocirc;ng nh&acirc;n Vi&#7879t Nam trong bu&#7893i &#273&#7847u s&#7889 l&#432&#7907ng c&ograve;n &iacute;t, ch&#7845t l&#432&#7907ng c&ocirc;ng nh&acirc;n &#273&#7841i c&ocirc;ng nghi&#7879p th&#7921c s&#7921 c&ograve;n ch&#432a &#273&#7847y &#273&#7911 nh&#432ng v&#7851n gi&#7919 &#273&#432&#7907c tr&#7885ng tr&aacute;ch l&#7883ch s&#7917 l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng th&ocirc;ng qua &#273&#7897i ti&#7873n phong c&#7911a n&oacute; l&agrave; &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">C&#7897i ngu&#7891n l&#7883ch s&#7917 - x&atilde; h&#7897i &#273&oacute; cho th&#7845y t&#7915 trong b&#7843n ch&#7845t c&#7911a m&igrave;nh, &#272&#7843ng ta g&#7855n b&oacute; m&#7853t thi&#7871t v&#7899i nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n, s&#7921 th&#7889ng nh&#7845t h&#7919u c&#417 gi&#7919a t&iacute;nh giai c&#7845p, t&iacute;nh nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n v&agrave; t&iacute;nh d&acirc;n t&#7897c, &#273&#432&#7907c d&#7851n d&#7855t b&#7903i t&#7847m cao t&#432 t&#432&#7903ng th&#7901i &#273&#7841i l&agrave;m n&ecirc;n s&#7913c m&#7841nh, s&#7913c chi&#7871n &#273&#7845u c&#7911a &#272&#7843ng.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">T&#7915 khi &#272&#7843ng c&ograve;n ch&#432a ra &#273&#7901i, trong &quot;&#272&#432&#7901ng c&aacute;ch m&#7879nh&quot; (1927), Nguy&#7877n &Aacute;i Qu&#7889c &#273&atilde; nh&#7853n th&#7845y &#272&#7843ng tr&#432&#7899c h&#7871t c&#7847n c&oacute; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a l&agrave;m c&#7889t. &#272&#7843ng kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a nh&#432 ng&#432&#7901i kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; tr&iacute; kh&ocirc;n. H&#7885c thuy&#7871t nhi&#7873u, ch&#7911 ngh&#297a nhi&#7873u nh&#432ng ch&acirc;n ch&iacute;nh nh&#7845t, c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng nh&#7845t, mau m&#7855n th&#7855ng l&#7907i nh&#7845t l&agrave; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a L&ecirc;nin, ch&#7911 ngh&#297a M&aacute;c-L&ecirc;nin. Trong &#272&#7843ng, ai c&#361ng ph&#7843i tin, ph&#7843i theo ch&#7911 ngh&#297a &#7845y, c&#361ng nh&#432 ph&#7843i noi g&#432&#417ng c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng th&aacute;ng M&#432&#7901i Nga, cu&#7897c c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng &#273i&#7875n h&igrave;nh, m&#7903 ra m&#7897t th&#7901i &#273&#7841i m&#7899i.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">L&agrave;m c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng th&igrave; ph&#7843i l&agrave;m cho &#273&#7871n n&#417i, t&#7913c l&agrave; tri&#7879t &#273&#7875. C&aacute;ch m&#7841ng th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng r&#7891i, ch&iacute;nh quy&#7873n ph&#7843i trao v&agrave;o tay d&acirc;n ch&uacute;ng s&#7889 nhi&#7873u, b&#7903i quy&#7873n l&#7921c l&agrave; quy&#7873n l&#7921c c&#7911a nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n, thu&#7897c v&#7873 nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n. Do &#273&oacute;, &#273&#7875 tranh &#273&#7845u hy sinh &#273&#7871n c&ugrave;ng cho l&#7907i quy&#7873n c&#7911a d&acirc;n ch&uacute;ng, &#272&#7843ng c&aacute;ch m&#7879nh, ng&#432&#7901i c&aacute;ch m&#7879nh ch&#7859ng nh&#7919ng &ldquo;ph&#7843i gi&#7919 ch&#7911 ngh&#297a cho v&#7919ng&rdquo; m&agrave; c&ograve;n ph&#7843i &ldquo;&iacute;t l&ograve;ng tham mu&#7889n v&#7873 v&#7853t ch&#7845t&rdquo;, ph&#7843i su&#7889t &#273&#7901i th&#7921c h&agrave;nh c&#7847n ki&#7879m li&ecirc;m ch&iacute;nh, &#273&aacute;nh b&#7841i &ldquo;gi&#7863c n&#7897i x&acirc;m, gi&#7863c &#7903 trong l&ograve;ng&rdquo; t&#7913c l&agrave; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a c&aacute; nh&acirc;n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ch&#7881 m&#7845y &#273i&#7873u to&aacute;t y&#7871u &#273&oacute; th&ocirc;i c&#361ng &#273&#7911 cho th&#7845y H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh t&#7915 r&#7845t s&#7899m &#273&atilde; th&#7845y l&yacute; lu&#7853n - khoa h&#7885c v&#7873 c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng c&#7847n cho &#272&#7843ng c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng &#273&#7871n th&#7871 n&agrave;o. Kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; l&yacute; lu&#7853n c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng, kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; phong tr&agrave;o c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng. Ch&#7881 &#272&#7843ng n&agrave;o c&oacute; l&yacute; lu&#7853n ti&#7873n phong d&#7851n &#273&#432&#7901ng m&#7899i l&agrave;m tr&ograve;n s&#7913 m&#7879nh c&#7911a &#272&#7843ng ti&#7873n phong. L&yacute; lu&#7853n, khoa h&#7885c c&ograve;n ph&#7843i &#273&#432&#7907c b&#7843o &#273&#7843m b&#7903i &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c, &#272&#7843ng ch&acirc;n ch&iacute;nh c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng ph&#7843i l&agrave; &#272&#7843ng ti&ecirc;n phong v&#7873 l&yacute; lu&#7853n, khoa h&#7885c l&#7841i c&ograve;n ph&#7843i ti&ecirc;u bi&#7875u cho &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng trong s&aacute;ng, ch&iacute; c&ocirc;ng v&ocirc; t&#432, to&agrave;n t&acirc;m to&agrave;n &yacute; v&igrave; d&acirc;n, v&igrave; nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n v&agrave; d&acirc;n t&#7897c.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">&#272&#7843ng l&agrave; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c, l&agrave; v&#259n minh, nh&#7901 &#273&oacute; &#272&#7843ng m&#7899i trong s&#7841ch v&#7919ng m&#7841nh. Trong 12 &#273i&#7873u x&acirc;y d&#7921ng &#272&#7843ng ch&acirc;n ch&iacute;nh c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng, Ng&#432&#7901i nh&#7845n m&#7841nh, &#272&#7843ng l&agrave; m&#7897t t&#7893 ch&#7913c c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng ch&#7913 kh&ocirc;ng ph&#7843i t&#7893 ch&#7913c &#273&#7875 &ldquo;l&agrave;m quan ph&aacute;t t&agrave;i&rdquo;.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Kh&ocirc;ng nh&#432 v&#7853y, &#272&#7843ng s&#7869 r&#417i v&agrave;o tho&aacute;i h&oacute;a, bi&#7871n d&#7841ng, tha h&oacute;a, xa d&acirc;n, t&#7921 &#273&aacute;nh m&#7845t s&#7913c m&#7841nh t&#7921 b&#7843o v&#7879. S&#7913c m&#7841nh &#7845y t&#7915 d&acirc;n m&agrave; ra, do d&acirc;n g&acirc;y d&#7921ng, ph&aacute;t tri&#7875n. S&#7913c m&#7841nh c&#7911a &#272&#7843ng, nh&#7845t l&agrave; khi &#272&#7843ng &#273&atilde; c&#7847m quy&#7873n ph&#7843i kh&ocirc;ng ng&#7915ng ph&aacute;t tri&#7875n, l&#7899n m&#7841nh. Trong l&ograve;ng d&acirc;n, &#272&#7843ng s&#7869 l&#7899n m&#7841nh, b&#7873n v&#7919ng. Tr&ugrave; t&iacute;nh, ti&ecirc;n li&#7879u &#273&oacute; c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i &#273&uacute;ng &#273&#7855n, s&aacute;ng su&#7889t, &#273&#7847y m&#7851n c&#7843m.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Nhi&#7873u &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n &#273&atilde; t&#7915ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n v&agrave; c&oacute; l&#7883ch s&#7917 v&#7867 vang, oanh li&#7879t, m&agrave; ti&ecirc;u bi&#7875u l&agrave; &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n Li&ecirc;n X&ocirc; nh&#432ng k&#7871t c&#7909c l&#7841i &#273&#7893 v&#7905 nh&#432 &#273&atilde; t&#7915ng x&#7843y ra cu&#7889i th&#7871 k&#7927 20 ch&#7881 b&#7903i v&igrave; xa d&acirc;n, m&#7845t l&ograve;ng tin c&#7911a d&acirc;n, m&#7845t kh&#7843 n&#259ng t&#7921 b&#7843o v&#7879.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Lenin t&#7915ng n&oacute;i kh&ocirc;ng m&#7897t th&#7871 l&#7921c n&agrave;o c&oacute; th&#7875 ph&aacute; h&#7911y &#273&#432&#7907c s&#7921 nghi&#7879p c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng c&#7911a ch&uacute;ng ta, tr&#7915 khi ch&uacute;ng ta t&#7921 ph&aacute; h&#7911y. B&agrave;i h&#7885c &#273au &#273&#7899n, ph&#7843i tr&#7843 gi&aacute; &#273&#7855t t&#7915 s&#7921 &#273&#7893 v&#7905 ch&#7871 &#273&#7897 x&atilde; h&#7897i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a &#7903 Li&ecirc;n X&ocirc; v&agrave; h&agrave;ng lo&#7841t n&#432&#7899c &#7903 &#272&ocirc;ng &Acirc;u l&agrave;m cho c&aacute;c &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n &#7903 &#273&oacute; m&#7845t vai tr&ograve; c&#7847m quy&#7873n, th&#7875 ch&#7871 Nh&agrave; n&#432&#7899c x&atilde; h&#7897i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a s&#7909p &#273&#7893, h&#7879 th&#7889ng x&atilde; h&#7897i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a th&#7871 gi&#7899i tan v&#7905, d&ugrave; &#273&atilde; h&#417n 1/5 th&#7871 k&#7927 tr&ocirc;i qua v&#7851n c&ograve;n nguy&ecirc;n v&#7865n t&iacute;nh th&#7901i s&#7921 n&oacute;ng h&#7893i, v&#7851n kh&ocirc;ng h&#7873 m&#7845t &#273i &yacute; ngh&#297a c&#7843nh b&aacute;o nghi&ecirc;m kh&#7855c &#273&#7889i v&#7899i c&aacute;c &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n &#273ang c&#7847m quy&#7873n, trong &#273&oacute; c&oacute; &#272&#7843ng ta.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh, trong t&aacute;c ph&#7849m &ldquo;S&#7917a &#273&#7893i l&#7889i l&agrave;m vi&#7879c&rdquo; vi&#7871t n&#259m 1947, sau &ldquo;&#272&#432&#7901ng c&aacute;ch m&#7879nh&rdquo; 20 n&#259m &#273&atilde; n&ecirc;u b&#7853t nh&#7919ng &#273i&#7873u quan tr&#7885ng v&agrave; c&#7847n thi&#7871t &#273&#7889i v&#7899i &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Trong nh&#7919ng &#273i&#7873u quan tr&#7885ng v&agrave; c&#7847n thi&#7871t &#7845y, Ng&#432&#7901i &#273&#7863c bi&#7879t nh&#7845n m&#7841nh Khoa h&#7885c (l&yacute; lu&#7853n), D&acirc;n ch&#7911 v&agrave; &#272&#7841o &#273&#7913c, kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 v&#7899i c&aacute;c t&#7893 ch&#7913c &#272&#7843ng v&agrave; ch&iacute;nh quy&#7873n m&agrave; c&ograve;n v&#7899i t&#7845t c&#7843 c&aacute;n b&#7897 &#273&#7843ng vi&ecirc;n, c&ocirc;ng ch&#7913c trong b&#7897 m&aacute;y, nh&#7845t l&agrave; v&#7899i nh&#7919ng ng&#432&#7901i l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">C&oacute; th&#7875 n&oacute;i &ldquo;S&#7917a &#273&#7893i l&#7889i l&agrave;m vi&#7879c&rdquo; l&agrave; t&aacute;c ph&#7849m &#273&#7847u ti&ecirc;n th&#7875 hi&#7879n t&#432 t&#432&#7903ng &#273&#7893i m&#7899i c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i, trong &#273i&#7873u ki&#7879n &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n. Ng&#432&#7901i ch&#7881 ra nh&#7919ng khuy&#7871t &#273i&#7875m, nh&#7919ng ch&#7913ng b&#7879nh m&agrave; nhi&#7873u t&#7893 ch&#7913c, nhi&#7873u ng&#432&#7901i, &#7903 nhi&#7873u n&#417i &#273&atilde; m&#7855c ph&#7843i v&agrave; Ng&#432&#7901i y&ecirc;u c&#7847u ph&#7843i th&agrave;nh th&#7853t v&agrave; nghi&ecirc;m kh&#7855c t&#7921 s&#7917a ch&#7919a, nh&#7845t l&agrave; b&#7879nh coi khinh l&yacute; lu&#7853n, t&#7915 coi th&#432&#7901ng l&yacute; lu&#7853n, b&#7857ng l&ograve;ng v&#7899i v&#7889n li&#7871ng kinh nghi&#7879m trong c&ocirc;ng t&aacute;c, d&#7851n t&#7899i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a kinh nghi&#7879m r&#7891i gi&aacute;o &#273i&#7873u, s&aacute;ch v&#7903, &#273&atilde; y&#7871u k&eacute;m l&#7841i kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7883u h&#7885c h&agrave;nh, nghi&ecirc;n c&#7913u, d&#7877 m&#7855c ph&#7843i sai l&#7847m ch&#7911 quan, duy &yacute; ch&iacute;, h&igrave;nh th&#7913c, ph&ugrave; phi&#7871m.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i c&#361ng ph&ecirc; ph&aacute;n, ch&#7881 tr&iacute;ch th&oacute;i ba hoa, n&oacute;i nhi&#7873u l&agrave;m &iacute;t, xa r&#7901i th&#7921c ti&#7877n, xa d&acirc;n, tr&#7903 n&ecirc;n quan li&ecirc;u, h&agrave;nh ch&iacute;nh, gi&#7845y t&#7901, h&#7897i h&#7885p, kh&ocirc;ng ch&uacute; tr&#7885ng l&agrave;m c&aacute;c c&ocirc;ng t&aacute;c th&#7921c t&#7871 thi&#7871t th&#7921c. Ba hoa d&#7877 n&oacute;i sai s&#7921 th&#7853t, th&#7893i ph&#7891ng th&agrave;nh t&iacute;ch, che d&#7845u khuy&#7871t &#273i&#7875m. &#272&oacute; l&agrave; m&#7897t l&#7895i l&#7899n v&#7873 &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c v&agrave; tr&aacute;ch nhi&#7879m ch&#7913 kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 l&agrave; n&ocirc;ng c&#7841n, k&eacute;m hi&#7875u bi&#7871t, thi&#7871u tri th&#7913c.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i c&#361ng th&#7859ng th&#7855n ch&#7881 ra t&igrave;nh tr&#7841ng thi&#7871u d&acirc;n ch&#7911 trong l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o, khi nghe &yacute; ki&#7871n ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh r&#7857ng, l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o kh&ocirc;ng &#273&#432&#7907c d&acirc;n ch&#7911 th&igrave; t&#7887 ra kh&oacute; ch&#7883u, h&#7853m h&#7921c nh&#432ng n&#7871u b&igrave;nh t&#297nh m&agrave; suy x&eacute;t th&igrave; qu&#7843 c&oacute; th&#7871 th&#7853t. &#272&oacute; l&agrave; nh&#7919ng l&#7901i l&#7869 m&#7897c m&#7841c, gi&#7843n d&#7883, &#273&#7901i th&#432&#7901ng c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i nh&#432ng h&#7871t s&#7913c ch&acirc;n th&agrave;nh, s&acirc;u s&#7855c.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i ch&#7881 cho ta th&#7845y d&acirc;n ch&#7911, s&aacute;ng ki&#7871n, h&#259ng h&aacute;i gi&uacute;p cho c&ocirc;ng vi&#7879c c&oacute; k&#7871t qu&#7843, n&#259ng l&#7921c c&aacute;n b&#7897 &#273&#432&#7907c ph&aacute;t huy, quan h&#7879 gi&#7919a c&aacute;n b&#7897 &#273&#7843ng vi&ecirc;n v&#7899i d&acirc;n ch&uacute;ng tr&#7903 n&ecirc;n g&#7847n g&#361i, th&acirc;n thi&#7871t, g&#7855n b&oacute;, c&aacute;i t&#7889t s&#7869 n&#7843y n&#7903, c&aacute;i x&#7845u m&#7845t d&#7847n &#273i, phong tr&agrave;o thi &#273ua kh&aacute;ng chi&#7871n ki&#7871n qu&#7889c ph&aacute;t tri&#7875n, lan r&#7897ng, &#273&#432a s&#7921 nghi&#7879p t&#7899i th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng. Mu&#7889n c&oacute; d&acirc;n ch&#7911 th&igrave; ph&#7843i t&ocirc;n tr&#7885ng &yacute; ki&#7871n &#273&oacute;ng g&oacute;p c&#7911a m&#7885i ng&#432&#7901i, l&#7855ng nghe d&acirc;n, th&agrave;nh th&#7853t ti&#7871p thu ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh v&agrave; nghi&ecirc;m t&uacute;c t&#7921 ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh, c&#7843 quy&#7871t s&#7917a l&#7895i l&#7847m.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ph&#7843i tr&#7885ng l&#7869 ph&#7843i, ch&acirc;n l&yacute;, tr&#7885ng s&#7921 th&#7853t, ph&#7843i c&oacute; k&#7927 lu&#7853t nghi&ecirc;m minh, t&ocirc;n tr&#7885ng t&#7853p th&#7875 l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o, c&aacute; nh&acirc;n ph&#7909 tr&aacute;ch, &#273&#7873 cao tr&aacute;ch nhi&#7879m, m&#7885i vi&#7879c ph&#7843i c&ocirc;ng khai minh b&#7841ch, kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; g&igrave; khu&#7845t t&#7845t, ph&#7843i li&ecirc;m ch&iacute;nh. Nh&#432 th&#7871, d&acirc;n ch&#7911 kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 l&agrave; th&#7875 ch&#7871 m&agrave; c&ograve;n l&agrave; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c, kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 l&agrave; l&yacute; tr&iacute; c&#7911a nh&#7853n th&#7913c m&agrave; c&ograve;n l&agrave; &#273&#7889i x&#7917 trong quan h&#7879 con ng&#432&#7901i, t&ocirc;n tr&#7885ng nh&acirc;n c&aacute;ch c&#7911a nhau, ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh c&oacute; l&yacute; c&oacute; t&igrave;nh, c&oacute; t&igrave;nh c&oacute; ngh&#297a, c&oacute; t&igrave;nh &#273&#7891ng ch&iacute; th&#432&#417ng y&ecirc;u l&#7851n nhau. Ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh &#273&#7875 &#273o&agrave;n k&#7871t. D&acirc;n ch&#7911 &#273&#7875 &#273o&agrave;n k&#7871t v&agrave; &#273&#7891ng thu&#7853n. C&ocirc;ng t&acirc;m, kh&aacute;ch quan, kh&ocirc;ng thi&ecirc;n t&#432 thi&ecirc;n v&#7883, tr&#7885ng d&acirc;n tr&#7885ng ph&aacute;p g&#7855n li&#7873n l&agrave;m m&#7897t. C&oacute; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c m&#7899i c&oacute; v&#259n h&oacute;a. &#272&#7841o &#273&#7913c c&#7847n ki&#7879m li&ecirc;m ch&iacute;nh ph&#7843i r&egrave;n luy&#7879n, th&#7921c h&agrave;nh su&#7889t &#273&#7901i. &#272&#7911 c&#7843 b&#7889n &#273&#7913c m&#7899i l&agrave; ng&#432&#7901i ho&agrave;n to&agrave;n, thi&#7871u m&#7897t &#273&#7913c th&igrave; kh&ocirc;ng th&agrave;nh ng&#432&#7901i.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Theo H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh, ng&#432&#7901i kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c, sa v&agrave;o ch&#7911 ngh&#297a c&aacute; nh&acirc;n th&igrave; c&oacute; t&agrave;i gi&#7887i m&#7845y c&#361ng kh&ocirc;ng l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o &#273&#432&#7907c nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n. M&#7895i ng&#432&#7901i ph&#7843i n&ecirc;u cao d&#361ng kh&iacute; t&#7921 ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh, n&ecirc;u cao l&ograve;ng t&#7921 tr&#7885ng, danh d&#7921, ph&#7849m gi&aacute; l&agrave;m ng&#432&#7901i. Ph&#7843i bi&#7871t r&#7857ng, tham lam l&agrave; m&#7897t th&oacute;i x&#7845u t&#7879 h&#7841i, ph&#7843i bi&#7871t x&#7845u h&#7893, l&atilde;ng ph&iacute; l&agrave; kh&ocirc;ng th&#432&#417ng d&acirc;n, tham &ocirc;, tham nh&#361ng l&agrave; t&#7897i &aacute;c, c&oacute; t&#7897i v&#7899i d&acirc;n v&#7899i n&#432&#7899c. Ph&#7843i nghi&ecirc;m tr&#7883 t&#7845t c&#7843 nh&#7919ng k&#7867 b&#7845t li&ecirc;m, b&#7845t k&#7875 ch&uacute;ng l&agrave; ai, l&agrave;m g&igrave;, &#7903 c&#432&#417ng v&#7883 n&agrave;o. Ph&aacute;p lu&#7853t ph&#7843i th&#7859ng tay tr&#7915ng tr&#7883 b&#7845t li&ecirc;m v&agrave; nh&#7919ng k&#7867 b&#7845t li&ecirc;m...</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Bao &#273i&#7873u c&#259n d&#7863n &#273&oacute; c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i, nh&#7845t l&agrave; su&#7889t 24 n&#259m li&#7873n tr&ecirc;n c&#432&#417ng v&#7883 Ch&#7911 t&#7883ch &#272&#7843ng, Ch&#7911 t&#7883ch N&#432&#7899c, Ng&#432&#7901i kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 n&oacute;i v&agrave; vi&#7871t m&agrave; c&ograve;n th&#7921c h&agrave;nh, n&ecirc;u t&#7845m g&#432&#417ng m&#7851u m&#7921c cho ch&uacute;ng ta noi theo v&#7873 khoa h&#7885c - d&acirc;n ch&#7911 - &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c trong l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o v&agrave; c&#7847m quy&#7873n./.</font><br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman"><mytubeelement data="{&quot;bundle&quot;:{&quot;label_delimitor&quot;:&quot;:&quot;,&quot;percentage&quot;:&quot;%&quot;,&quot;smart_buffer&quot;:&quot;Smart Buffer&quot;,&quot;start_playing_when_buffered&quot;:&quot;Start playing when buffered&quot;,&quot;sound&quot;:&quot;Sound&quot;,&quot;desktop_notification&quot;:&quot;Desktop Notification&quot;,&quot;continuation_on_next_line&quot;:&quot;-&quot;,&quot;loop&quot;:&quot;Loop&quot;,&quot;only_notify&quot;:&quot;Only Notify&quot;,&quot;estimated_time&quot;:&quot;Estimated Time&quot;,&quot;global_preferences&quot;:&quot;Global Preferences&quot;,&quot;no_notification_supported_on_your_browser&quot;:&quot;No notification style supported on your browser version&quot;,&quot;video_buffered&quot;:&quot;Video Buffered&quot;,&quot;buffered&quot;:&quot;Buffered&quot;,&quot;hyphen&quot;:&quot;-&quot;,&quot;buffered_message&quot;:&quot;The video has been buffered as requested and is ready to play.&quot;,&quot;not_supported&quot;:&quot;Not Supported&quot;,&quot;on&quot;:&quot;On&quot;,&quot;off&quot;:&quot;Off&quot;,&quot;click_to_enable_for_this_site&quot;:&quot;Click to enable for this site&quot;,&quot;desktop_notification_denied&quot;:&quot;You have denied permission for desktop notification for this site&quot;,&quot;notification_status_delimitor&quot;:&quot;;&quot;,&quot;error&quot;:&quot;Error&quot;,&quot;adblock_interferance_message&quot;:&quot;Adblock (or similar extension) is known to interfere with SmartVideo. 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Chiều ngày 14/01/2024, Thành Đoàn Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh tổ chức Chương trình công bố quyết định về công tác tổ chức cơ sở đoàn trực thuộc Thành đoàn.

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