Những chỉ dẫn của Hồ Chí Minh về Đảng và Đảng cầm quyền

<html> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'> <title> </title> </head> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div class="text" style="text-align: justify; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 12px; font-family: arial; color: rgb(0, 7, 17); line-height: 1.4;"> <table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="1" align="left" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td><img class="avatar" src="http://www.tapchicongsan.org.vn/Stories/Story.axd?ID=31811" style="padding: 0px 0px 3px;" alt="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="avatardesc" style="font-style: italic; font-stretch: normal; font-family: arial; color: rgb(233, 49, 23); padding: 3px;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Ch&#7911 t&#7883ch H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh ph&aacute;t bi&#7875u t&#7841i &#272&#7841i h&#7897i &#273&#7841i bi&#7875u to&agrave;n qu&#7889c &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n Vi&#7879t Nam l&#7847n th&#7913 2 t&#7841i x&atilde; Vinh Quang, huy&#7879n Chi&ecirc;m H&oacute;a, t&#7881nh Tuy&ecirc;n Quang</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="teaser" style="padding-top: 3px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4;"><span id="DP29_PM29_lblTeaser" class="text" style="font-weight: bold; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4;"> <p align="justify"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman">T&#7915 nh&#7919ng ch&#7881 d&#7851n c&#7911a H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh v&#7873 &#272&#7843ng v&agrave; &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n t&#7899i x&acirc;y d&#7921ng v&agrave; th&#7921c hi&#7879n phong c&aacute;ch l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o, c&#7847m quy&#7873n khoa h&#7885c, d&acirc;n ch&#7911 v&agrave; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c c&#7911a &#272&#7843ng nh&#7857m l&agrave;m cho &#272&#7843ng trong s&#7841ch v&#7919ng m&#7841nh, x&#7913ng &#273&aacute;ng l&agrave; m&#7897t &#272&#7843ng l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o c&#7847m quy&#7873n, x&#7913ng &#273&aacute;ng v&#7899i ni&#7873m tin c&#7911a d&acirc;n v&agrave;o &#272&#7843ng l&agrave; nh&#7919ng v&#7845n &#273&#7873 quan tr&#7885ng &#273&#432&#7907c &#273&#7873 c&#7853p trong b&agrave;i vi&#7871t &ldquo;Khoa h&#7885c, d&acirc;n ch&#7911, &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c - Ba &#273i&#7873u c&#7847n thi&#7871t &#273&#7889i v&#7899i &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n&rdquo; c&#7911a gi&aacute;o s&#432 - ti&#7871n s&#7929 Ho&agrave;ng Ch&iacute; B&#7843o, H&#7897i &#273&#7891ng L&yacute; lu&#7853n Trung &#432&#417ng.</font></p> </span></div> <p align="justify"><font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Nh&acirc;n k&#7927 ni&#7879m 85 n&#259m th&agrave;nh l&#7853p &#272&#7843ng, T&#7841p ch&iacute; C&#7897ng s&#7843n &#273i&#7879n t&#7917 tr&acirc;n tr&#7885ng gi&#7899i thi&#7879u b&agrave;i vi&#7871t.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Trong Di ch&uacute;c &#273&#7875 l&#7841i cho &#273&#7891ng b&agrave;o, &#273&#7891ng ch&iacute;, B&aacute;c H&#7891 c&#259n d&#7863n bao &#273i&#7873u h&#7879 tr&#7885ng, m&agrave; &ldquo;Tr&#432&#7899c h&#7871t n&oacute;i v&#7873 &#272&#7843ng&rdquo; v&agrave; &ldquo;&#272&#7847u ti&ecirc;n l&agrave; c&ocirc;ng vi&#7879c &#273&#7889i v&#7899i con ng&#432&#7901i&rdquo;.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">C&#361ng trong b&#7843n Di ch&uacute;c thi&ecirc;ng li&ecirc;ng, Ng&#432&#7901i kh&#7859ng &#273&#7883nh &ldquo;&#272&#7843ng ta l&agrave; m&#7897t &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n&rdquo;.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">&#272&#7885c l&#7841i b&#7843n Di ch&uacute;c h&#417n 1.000 t&#7915 c&#361ng nh&#432 nh&#7919ng t&aacute;c ph&#7849m kh&aacute;c c&#7911a H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh xung quanh ch&#7911 &#273&#7873 v&#7873 &#272&#7843ng, v&#7873 x&acirc;y d&#7921ng v&agrave; ch&#7881nh &#273&#7889n &#272&#7843ng trong nh&#7919ng th&#7901i &#273i&#7875m b&#432&#7899c ngo&#7863t, &#7903 nh&#7919ng th&#7901i k&#7923 l&#7883ch s&#7917 kh&aacute;c nhau v&#7899i n&#7895 l&#7921c th&#7845u hi&#7875u v&agrave; th&#7845u c&#7843m v&#7873 Ng&#432&#7901i, ta nh&#7853n ra r&#7857ng, H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh th&#7921c s&#7921 c&oacute; ch&#7911 ki&#7871n, ch&#7911 thuy&#7871t v&#7873 &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i s&aacute;ng l&#7853p &#272&#7843ng ta c&#361ng &#273&#7891ng th&#7901i l&agrave; t&aacute;c gi&#7843 &#273&#7847u ti&ecirc;n so&#7841n th&#7843o ch&iacute;nh c&#432&#417ng, s&aacute;ch l&#432&#7907c v&#7855n t&#7855t, &#273i&#7873u l&#7879 &#272&#7843ng v&#7855n t&#7855t. Ng&#432&#7901i c&#361ng l&agrave; t&aacute;c gi&#7843 c&#7911a b&#7913c th&#432 g&#7917i to&agrave;n th&#7875 qu&#7889c d&acirc;n &#273&#7891ng b&agrave;o nh&acirc;n s&#7921 ki&#7879n &#272&#7843ng ra &#273&#7901i. V&#7855n t&#7855t ngh&#297a l&agrave; ng&#7855n g&#7885n, c&ocirc; &#273&uacute;c, h&agrave;m x&uacute;c, gi&#7843n d&#7883, s&acirc;u s&#7855c. Nh&#7919ng t&#432 t&#432&#7903ng l&#7899n m&agrave; Ng&#432&#7901i truy&#7873n t&#7843i l&#7841i ch&#7913a &#273&#7921ng trong h&igrave;nh th&#7913c gi&#7843n d&#7883 c&#7911a ng&ocirc;n t&#7915, l&#7845y c&aacute;i t&#7889i thi&#7875u &#273&#7875 truy&#7873n d&#7851n c&aacute;i t&#7889i &#273a, ch&#7919 &iacute;t nh&#7845t m&agrave; ngh&#297a nhi&#7873u nh&#7845t. Phong c&aacute;ch, b&#7843n l&#297nh &#7845y th&#7875 hi&#7879n n&#259ng l&#7921c l&agrave;m ch&#7911 l&yacute; lu&#7853n, ti&ecirc;u h&oacute;a nhu&#7847n nhuy&#7877n l&yacute; lu&#7853n trong th&#7921c ti&#7877n, l&agrave; m&#7851u m&#7921c b&#7853c th&#7847y v&#7873 s&#7921 th&#7889ng nh&#7845t l&yacute; lu&#7853n v&#7899i th&#7921c ti&#7877n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i t&#7915ng n&oacute;i, th&#7889ng nh&#7845t l&yacute; lu&#7853n v&#7899i th&#7921c ti&#7877n l&agrave; nguy&ecirc;n t&#7855c t&#7889i cao c&#7911a ch&#7911 ngh&#297a M&aacute;c-L&ecirc;nin. L&agrave;m ch&#7911 l&yacute; lu&#7853n, d&ugrave;ng l&yacute; lu&#7853n nh&#432 m&#7897t ph&#432&#417ng ph&aacute;p, Ng&#432&#7901i l&agrave; m&#7897t minh ch&#7913ng &#273&#7841t &#273&#7871n t&#7847m kinh &#273i&#7875n v&#7873 s&#7921 s&aacute;ng t&#7841o ch&#7911 ngh&#297a Mac, ch&#7911 ngh&#297a L&ecirc;nin v&agrave; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a M&aacute;c-L&ecirc;nin trong th&#7871 k&#7927 20 - th&#7871 k&#7927 in &#273&#7853m d&#7845u &#7845n c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i - l&#7853p &#272&#7843ng, l&#7853p N&#432&#7899c, &ldquo;&#273&aacute;nh th&#7855ng hai &#273&#7871 qu&#7889c to&rdquo;, d&#7851n d&#7855t to&agrave;n &#272&#7843ng to&agrave;n d&acirc;n v&#7919ng b&#432&#7899c tr&ecirc;n con &#273&#432&#7901ng l&#7899n c&#7911a l&#7883ch s&#7917, &#273&#7897c l&#7853p d&acirc;n t&#7897c v&agrave; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a x&atilde; h&#7897i, &#273&#7897c l&#7853p d&acirc;n t&#7897c g&#7855n li&#7873n v&#7899i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a x&atilde; h&#7897i.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">T&#7915 vi&#7879c ph&aacute;t hi&#7879n ra t&iacute;nh &#273&#7863c th&ugrave; trong quy lu&#7853t th&agrave;nh l&#7853p &#272&#7843ng, ngo&agrave;i s&#7921 k&#7871t h&#7907p gi&#7919a ch&#7911 ngh&#297a M&aacute;c-L&ecirc;nin v&#7899i phong tr&agrave;o c&ocirc;ng nh&acirc;n, &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n Vi&#7879t Nam c&ograve;n l&agrave; s&#7843n ph&#7849m c&#7911a s&#7921 k&#7871t h&#7907p v&#7899i phong tr&agrave;o y&ecirc;u n&#432&#7899c c&#7911a nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n ta, b&#7855t ngu&#7891n t&#7915 truy&#7873n th&#7889ng y&ecirc;u n&#432&#7899c c&#7911a d&acirc;n t&#7897c Vi&#7879t Nam, Nguy&#7877n &Aacute;i Qu&#7889c - H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh &#273&atilde; l&yacute; gi&#7843i s&acirc;u s&#7855c v&#7873 m&#7889i li&ecirc;n h&#7879 m&aacute;u th&#7883t gi&#7919a &#272&#7843ng v&#7899i nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n, v&#7899i d&acirc;n t&#7897c.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Nh&#7901 c&oacute; s&#7913c m&#7841nh c&#7911a nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n, t&#7915 b&#7879 &#273&#7905 c&#7911a truy&#7873n th&#7889ng y&ecirc;u n&#432&#7899c c&#7911a d&acirc;n t&#7897c m&agrave; giai c&#7845p c&ocirc;ng nh&acirc;n Vi&#7879t Nam trong bu&#7893i &#273&#7847u s&#7889 l&#432&#7907ng c&ograve;n &iacute;t, ch&#7845t l&#432&#7907ng c&ocirc;ng nh&acirc;n &#273&#7841i c&ocirc;ng nghi&#7879p th&#7921c s&#7921 c&ograve;n ch&#432a &#273&#7847y &#273&#7911 nh&#432ng v&#7851n gi&#7919 &#273&#432&#7907c tr&#7885ng tr&aacute;ch l&#7883ch s&#7917 l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng th&ocirc;ng qua &#273&#7897i ti&#7873n phong c&#7911a n&oacute; l&agrave; &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">C&#7897i ngu&#7891n l&#7883ch s&#7917 - x&atilde; h&#7897i &#273&oacute; cho th&#7845y t&#7915 trong b&#7843n ch&#7845t c&#7911a m&igrave;nh, &#272&#7843ng ta g&#7855n b&oacute; m&#7853t thi&#7871t v&#7899i nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n, s&#7921 th&#7889ng nh&#7845t h&#7919u c&#417 gi&#7919a t&iacute;nh giai c&#7845p, t&iacute;nh nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n v&agrave; t&iacute;nh d&acirc;n t&#7897c, &#273&#432&#7907c d&#7851n d&#7855t b&#7903i t&#7847m cao t&#432 t&#432&#7903ng th&#7901i &#273&#7841i l&agrave;m n&ecirc;n s&#7913c m&#7841nh, s&#7913c chi&#7871n &#273&#7845u c&#7911a &#272&#7843ng.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">T&#7915 khi &#272&#7843ng c&ograve;n ch&#432a ra &#273&#7901i, trong &quot;&#272&#432&#7901ng c&aacute;ch m&#7879nh&quot; (1927), Nguy&#7877n &Aacute;i Qu&#7889c &#273&atilde; nh&#7853n th&#7845y &#272&#7843ng tr&#432&#7899c h&#7871t c&#7847n c&oacute; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a l&agrave;m c&#7889t. &#272&#7843ng kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a nh&#432 ng&#432&#7901i kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; tr&iacute; kh&ocirc;n. H&#7885c thuy&#7871t nhi&#7873u, ch&#7911 ngh&#297a nhi&#7873u nh&#432ng ch&acirc;n ch&iacute;nh nh&#7845t, c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng nh&#7845t, mau m&#7855n th&#7855ng l&#7907i nh&#7845t l&agrave; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a L&ecirc;nin, ch&#7911 ngh&#297a M&aacute;c-L&ecirc;nin. Trong &#272&#7843ng, ai c&#361ng ph&#7843i tin, ph&#7843i theo ch&#7911 ngh&#297a &#7845y, c&#361ng nh&#432 ph&#7843i noi g&#432&#417ng c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng th&aacute;ng M&#432&#7901i Nga, cu&#7897c c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng &#273i&#7875n h&igrave;nh, m&#7903 ra m&#7897t th&#7901i &#273&#7841i m&#7899i.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">L&agrave;m c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng th&igrave; ph&#7843i l&agrave;m cho &#273&#7871n n&#417i, t&#7913c l&agrave; tri&#7879t &#273&#7875. C&aacute;ch m&#7841ng th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng r&#7891i, ch&iacute;nh quy&#7873n ph&#7843i trao v&agrave;o tay d&acirc;n ch&uacute;ng s&#7889 nhi&#7873u, b&#7903i quy&#7873n l&#7921c l&agrave; quy&#7873n l&#7921c c&#7911a nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n, thu&#7897c v&#7873 nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n. Do &#273&oacute;, &#273&#7875 tranh &#273&#7845u hy sinh &#273&#7871n c&ugrave;ng cho l&#7907i quy&#7873n c&#7911a d&acirc;n ch&uacute;ng, &#272&#7843ng c&aacute;ch m&#7879nh, ng&#432&#7901i c&aacute;ch m&#7879nh ch&#7859ng nh&#7919ng &ldquo;ph&#7843i gi&#7919 ch&#7911 ngh&#297a cho v&#7919ng&rdquo; m&agrave; c&ograve;n ph&#7843i &ldquo;&iacute;t l&ograve;ng tham mu&#7889n v&#7873 v&#7853t ch&#7845t&rdquo;, ph&#7843i su&#7889t &#273&#7901i th&#7921c h&agrave;nh c&#7847n ki&#7879m li&ecirc;m ch&iacute;nh, &#273&aacute;nh b&#7841i &ldquo;gi&#7863c n&#7897i x&acirc;m, gi&#7863c &#7903 trong l&ograve;ng&rdquo; t&#7913c l&agrave; ch&#7911 ngh&#297a c&aacute; nh&acirc;n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ch&#7881 m&#7845y &#273i&#7873u to&aacute;t y&#7871u &#273&oacute; th&ocirc;i c&#361ng &#273&#7911 cho th&#7845y H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh t&#7915 r&#7845t s&#7899m &#273&atilde; th&#7845y l&yacute; lu&#7853n - khoa h&#7885c v&#7873 c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng c&#7847n cho &#272&#7843ng c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng &#273&#7871n th&#7871 n&agrave;o. Kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; l&yacute; lu&#7853n c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng, kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; phong tr&agrave;o c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng. Ch&#7881 &#272&#7843ng n&agrave;o c&oacute; l&yacute; lu&#7853n ti&#7873n phong d&#7851n &#273&#432&#7901ng m&#7899i l&agrave;m tr&ograve;n s&#7913 m&#7879nh c&#7911a &#272&#7843ng ti&#7873n phong. L&yacute; lu&#7853n, khoa h&#7885c c&ograve;n ph&#7843i &#273&#432&#7907c b&#7843o &#273&#7843m b&#7903i &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c, &#272&#7843ng ch&acirc;n ch&iacute;nh c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng ph&#7843i l&agrave; &#272&#7843ng ti&ecirc;n phong v&#7873 l&yacute; lu&#7853n, khoa h&#7885c l&#7841i c&ograve;n ph&#7843i ti&ecirc;u bi&#7875u cho &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng trong s&aacute;ng, ch&iacute; c&ocirc;ng v&ocirc; t&#432, to&agrave;n t&acirc;m to&agrave;n &yacute; v&igrave; d&acirc;n, v&igrave; nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n v&agrave; d&acirc;n t&#7897c.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">&#272&#7843ng l&agrave; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c, l&agrave; v&#259n minh, nh&#7901 &#273&oacute; &#272&#7843ng m&#7899i trong s&#7841ch v&#7919ng m&#7841nh. Trong 12 &#273i&#7873u x&acirc;y d&#7921ng &#272&#7843ng ch&acirc;n ch&iacute;nh c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng, Ng&#432&#7901i nh&#7845n m&#7841nh, &#272&#7843ng l&agrave; m&#7897t t&#7893 ch&#7913c c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng ch&#7913 kh&ocirc;ng ph&#7843i t&#7893 ch&#7913c &#273&#7875 &ldquo;l&agrave;m quan ph&aacute;t t&agrave;i&rdquo;.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Kh&ocirc;ng nh&#432 v&#7853y, &#272&#7843ng s&#7869 r&#417i v&agrave;o tho&aacute;i h&oacute;a, bi&#7871n d&#7841ng, tha h&oacute;a, xa d&acirc;n, t&#7921 &#273&aacute;nh m&#7845t s&#7913c m&#7841nh t&#7921 b&#7843o v&#7879. S&#7913c m&#7841nh &#7845y t&#7915 d&acirc;n m&agrave; ra, do d&acirc;n g&acirc;y d&#7921ng, ph&aacute;t tri&#7875n. S&#7913c m&#7841nh c&#7911a &#272&#7843ng, nh&#7845t l&agrave; khi &#272&#7843ng &#273&atilde; c&#7847m quy&#7873n ph&#7843i kh&ocirc;ng ng&#7915ng ph&aacute;t tri&#7875n, l&#7899n m&#7841nh. Trong l&ograve;ng d&acirc;n, &#272&#7843ng s&#7869 l&#7899n m&#7841nh, b&#7873n v&#7919ng. Tr&ugrave; t&iacute;nh, ti&ecirc;n li&#7879u &#273&oacute; c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i &#273&uacute;ng &#273&#7855n, s&aacute;ng su&#7889t, &#273&#7847y m&#7851n c&#7843m.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Nhi&#7873u &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n &#273&atilde; t&#7915ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n v&agrave; c&oacute; l&#7883ch s&#7917 v&#7867 vang, oanh li&#7879t, m&agrave; ti&ecirc;u bi&#7875u l&agrave; &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n Li&ecirc;n X&ocirc; nh&#432ng k&#7871t c&#7909c l&#7841i &#273&#7893 v&#7905 nh&#432 &#273&atilde; t&#7915ng x&#7843y ra cu&#7889i th&#7871 k&#7927 20 ch&#7881 b&#7903i v&igrave; xa d&acirc;n, m&#7845t l&ograve;ng tin c&#7911a d&acirc;n, m&#7845t kh&#7843 n&#259ng t&#7921 b&#7843o v&#7879.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Lenin t&#7915ng n&oacute;i kh&ocirc;ng m&#7897t th&#7871 l&#7921c n&agrave;o c&oacute; th&#7875 ph&aacute; h&#7911y &#273&#432&#7907c s&#7921 nghi&#7879p c&aacute;ch m&#7841ng c&#7911a ch&uacute;ng ta, tr&#7915 khi ch&uacute;ng ta t&#7921 ph&aacute; h&#7911y. B&agrave;i h&#7885c &#273au &#273&#7899n, ph&#7843i tr&#7843 gi&aacute; &#273&#7855t t&#7915 s&#7921 &#273&#7893 v&#7905 ch&#7871 &#273&#7897 x&atilde; h&#7897i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a &#7903 Li&ecirc;n X&ocirc; v&agrave; h&agrave;ng lo&#7841t n&#432&#7899c &#7903 &#272&ocirc;ng &Acirc;u l&agrave;m cho c&aacute;c &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n &#7903 &#273&oacute; m&#7845t vai tr&ograve; c&#7847m quy&#7873n, th&#7875 ch&#7871 Nh&agrave; n&#432&#7899c x&atilde; h&#7897i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a s&#7909p &#273&#7893, h&#7879 th&#7889ng x&atilde; h&#7897i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a th&#7871 gi&#7899i tan v&#7905, d&ugrave; &#273&atilde; h&#417n 1/5 th&#7871 k&#7927 tr&ocirc;i qua v&#7851n c&ograve;n nguy&ecirc;n v&#7865n t&iacute;nh th&#7901i s&#7921 n&oacute;ng h&#7893i, v&#7851n kh&ocirc;ng h&#7873 m&#7845t &#273i &yacute; ngh&#297a c&#7843nh b&aacute;o nghi&ecirc;m kh&#7855c &#273&#7889i v&#7899i c&aacute;c &#272&#7843ng C&#7897ng s&#7843n &#273ang c&#7847m quy&#7873n, trong &#273&oacute; c&oacute; &#272&#7843ng ta.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh, trong t&aacute;c ph&#7849m &ldquo;S&#7917a &#273&#7893i l&#7889i l&agrave;m vi&#7879c&rdquo; vi&#7871t n&#259m 1947, sau &ldquo;&#272&#432&#7901ng c&aacute;ch m&#7879nh&rdquo; 20 n&#259m &#273&atilde; n&ecirc;u b&#7853t nh&#7919ng &#273i&#7873u quan tr&#7885ng v&agrave; c&#7847n thi&#7871t &#273&#7889i v&#7899i &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Trong nh&#7919ng &#273i&#7873u quan tr&#7885ng v&agrave; c&#7847n thi&#7871t &#7845y, Ng&#432&#7901i &#273&#7863c bi&#7879t nh&#7845n m&#7841nh Khoa h&#7885c (l&yacute; lu&#7853n), D&acirc;n ch&#7911 v&agrave; &#272&#7841o &#273&#7913c, kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 v&#7899i c&aacute;c t&#7893 ch&#7913c &#272&#7843ng v&agrave; ch&iacute;nh quy&#7873n m&agrave; c&ograve;n v&#7899i t&#7845t c&#7843 c&aacute;n b&#7897 &#273&#7843ng vi&ecirc;n, c&ocirc;ng ch&#7913c trong b&#7897 m&aacute;y, nh&#7845t l&agrave; v&#7899i nh&#7919ng ng&#432&#7901i l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">C&oacute; th&#7875 n&oacute;i &ldquo;S&#7917a &#273&#7893i l&#7889i l&agrave;m vi&#7879c&rdquo; l&agrave; t&aacute;c ph&#7849m &#273&#7847u ti&ecirc;n th&#7875 hi&#7879n t&#432 t&#432&#7903ng &#273&#7893i m&#7899i c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i, trong &#273i&#7873u ki&#7879n &#272&#7843ng c&#7847m quy&#7873n. Ng&#432&#7901i ch&#7881 ra nh&#7919ng khuy&#7871t &#273i&#7875m, nh&#7919ng ch&#7913ng b&#7879nh m&agrave; nhi&#7873u t&#7893 ch&#7913c, nhi&#7873u ng&#432&#7901i, &#7903 nhi&#7873u n&#417i &#273&atilde; m&#7855c ph&#7843i v&agrave; Ng&#432&#7901i y&ecirc;u c&#7847u ph&#7843i th&agrave;nh th&#7853t v&agrave; nghi&ecirc;m kh&#7855c t&#7921 s&#7917a ch&#7919a, nh&#7845t l&agrave; b&#7879nh coi khinh l&yacute; lu&#7853n, t&#7915 coi th&#432&#7901ng l&yacute; lu&#7853n, b&#7857ng l&ograve;ng v&#7899i v&#7889n li&#7871ng kinh nghi&#7879m trong c&ocirc;ng t&aacute;c, d&#7851n t&#7899i ch&#7911 ngh&#297a kinh nghi&#7879m r&#7891i gi&aacute;o &#273i&#7873u, s&aacute;ch v&#7903, &#273&atilde; y&#7871u k&eacute;m l&#7841i kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7883u h&#7885c h&agrave;nh, nghi&ecirc;n c&#7913u, d&#7877 m&#7855c ph&#7843i sai l&#7847m ch&#7911 quan, duy &yacute; ch&iacute;, h&igrave;nh th&#7913c, ph&ugrave; phi&#7871m.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i c&#361ng ph&ecirc; ph&aacute;n, ch&#7881 tr&iacute;ch th&oacute;i ba hoa, n&oacute;i nhi&#7873u l&agrave;m &iacute;t, xa r&#7901i th&#7921c ti&#7877n, xa d&acirc;n, tr&#7903 n&ecirc;n quan li&ecirc;u, h&agrave;nh ch&iacute;nh, gi&#7845y t&#7901, h&#7897i h&#7885p, kh&ocirc;ng ch&uacute; tr&#7885ng l&agrave;m c&aacute;c c&ocirc;ng t&aacute;c th&#7921c t&#7871 thi&#7871t th&#7921c. Ba hoa d&#7877 n&oacute;i sai s&#7921 th&#7853t, th&#7893i ph&#7891ng th&agrave;nh t&iacute;ch, che d&#7845u khuy&#7871t &#273i&#7875m. &#272&oacute; l&agrave; m&#7897t l&#7895i l&#7899n v&#7873 &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c v&agrave; tr&aacute;ch nhi&#7879m ch&#7913 kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 l&agrave; n&ocirc;ng c&#7841n, k&eacute;m hi&#7875u bi&#7871t, thi&#7871u tri th&#7913c.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i c&#361ng th&#7859ng th&#7855n ch&#7881 ra t&igrave;nh tr&#7841ng thi&#7871u d&acirc;n ch&#7911 trong l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o, khi nghe &yacute; ki&#7871n ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh r&#7857ng, l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o kh&ocirc;ng &#273&#432&#7907c d&acirc;n ch&#7911 th&igrave; t&#7887 ra kh&oacute; ch&#7883u, h&#7853m h&#7921c nh&#432ng n&#7871u b&igrave;nh t&#297nh m&agrave; suy x&eacute;t th&igrave; qu&#7843 c&oacute; th&#7871 th&#7853t. &#272&oacute; l&agrave; nh&#7919ng l&#7901i l&#7869 m&#7897c m&#7841c, gi&#7843n d&#7883, &#273&#7901i th&#432&#7901ng c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i nh&#432ng h&#7871t s&#7913c ch&acirc;n th&agrave;nh, s&acirc;u s&#7855c.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ng&#432&#7901i ch&#7881 cho ta th&#7845y d&acirc;n ch&#7911, s&aacute;ng ki&#7871n, h&#259ng h&aacute;i gi&uacute;p cho c&ocirc;ng vi&#7879c c&oacute; k&#7871t qu&#7843, n&#259ng l&#7921c c&aacute;n b&#7897 &#273&#432&#7907c ph&aacute;t huy, quan h&#7879 gi&#7919a c&aacute;n b&#7897 &#273&#7843ng vi&ecirc;n v&#7899i d&acirc;n ch&uacute;ng tr&#7903 n&ecirc;n g&#7847n g&#361i, th&acirc;n thi&#7871t, g&#7855n b&oacute;, c&aacute;i t&#7889t s&#7869 n&#7843y n&#7903, c&aacute;i x&#7845u m&#7845t d&#7847n &#273i, phong tr&agrave;o thi &#273ua kh&aacute;ng chi&#7871n ki&#7871n qu&#7889c ph&aacute;t tri&#7875n, lan r&#7897ng, &#273&#432a s&#7921 nghi&#7879p t&#7899i th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng. Mu&#7889n c&oacute; d&acirc;n ch&#7911 th&igrave; ph&#7843i t&ocirc;n tr&#7885ng &yacute; ki&#7871n &#273&oacute;ng g&oacute;p c&#7911a m&#7885i ng&#432&#7901i, l&#7855ng nghe d&acirc;n, th&agrave;nh th&#7853t ti&#7871p thu ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh v&agrave; nghi&ecirc;m t&uacute;c t&#7921 ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh, c&#7843 quy&#7871t s&#7917a l&#7895i l&#7847m.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Ph&#7843i tr&#7885ng l&#7869 ph&#7843i, ch&acirc;n l&yacute;, tr&#7885ng s&#7921 th&#7853t, ph&#7843i c&oacute; k&#7927 lu&#7853t nghi&ecirc;m minh, t&ocirc;n tr&#7885ng t&#7853p th&#7875 l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o, c&aacute; nh&acirc;n ph&#7909 tr&aacute;ch, &#273&#7873 cao tr&aacute;ch nhi&#7879m, m&#7885i vi&#7879c ph&#7843i c&ocirc;ng khai minh b&#7841ch, kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; g&igrave; khu&#7845t t&#7845t, ph&#7843i li&ecirc;m ch&iacute;nh. Nh&#432 th&#7871, d&acirc;n ch&#7911 kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 l&agrave; th&#7875 ch&#7871 m&agrave; c&ograve;n l&agrave; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c, kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 l&agrave; l&yacute; tr&iacute; c&#7911a nh&#7853n th&#7913c m&agrave; c&ograve;n l&agrave; &#273&#7889i x&#7917 trong quan h&#7879 con ng&#432&#7901i, t&ocirc;n tr&#7885ng nh&acirc;n c&aacute;ch c&#7911a nhau, ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh c&oacute; l&yacute; c&oacute; t&igrave;nh, c&oacute; t&igrave;nh c&oacute; ngh&#297a, c&oacute; t&igrave;nh &#273&#7891ng ch&iacute; th&#432&#417ng y&ecirc;u l&#7851n nhau. Ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh &#273&#7875 &#273o&agrave;n k&#7871t. D&acirc;n ch&#7911 &#273&#7875 &#273o&agrave;n k&#7871t v&agrave; &#273&#7891ng thu&#7853n. C&ocirc;ng t&acirc;m, kh&aacute;ch quan, kh&ocirc;ng thi&ecirc;n t&#432 thi&ecirc;n v&#7883, tr&#7885ng d&acirc;n tr&#7885ng ph&aacute;p g&#7855n li&#7873n l&agrave;m m&#7897t. C&oacute; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c m&#7899i c&oacute; v&#259n h&oacute;a. &#272&#7841o &#273&#7913c c&#7847n ki&#7879m li&ecirc;m ch&iacute;nh ph&#7843i r&egrave;n luy&#7879n, th&#7921c h&agrave;nh su&#7889t &#273&#7901i. &#272&#7911 c&#7843 b&#7889n &#273&#7913c m&#7899i l&agrave; ng&#432&#7901i ho&agrave;n to&agrave;n, thi&#7871u m&#7897t &#273&#7913c th&igrave; kh&ocirc;ng th&agrave;nh ng&#432&#7901i.</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Theo H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh, ng&#432&#7901i kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c, sa v&agrave;o ch&#7911 ngh&#297a c&aacute; nh&acirc;n th&igrave; c&oacute; t&agrave;i gi&#7887i m&#7845y c&#361ng kh&ocirc;ng l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o &#273&#432&#7907c nh&acirc;n d&acirc;n. M&#7895i ng&#432&#7901i ph&#7843i n&ecirc;u cao d&#361ng kh&iacute; t&#7921 ph&ecirc; b&igrave;nh, n&ecirc;u cao l&ograve;ng t&#7921 tr&#7885ng, danh d&#7921, ph&#7849m gi&aacute; l&agrave;m ng&#432&#7901i. Ph&#7843i bi&#7871t r&#7857ng, tham lam l&agrave; m&#7897t th&oacute;i x&#7845u t&#7879 h&#7841i, ph&#7843i bi&#7871t x&#7845u h&#7893, l&atilde;ng ph&iacute; l&agrave; kh&ocirc;ng th&#432&#417ng d&acirc;n, tham &ocirc;, tham nh&#361ng l&agrave; t&#7897i &aacute;c, c&oacute; t&#7897i v&#7899i d&acirc;n v&#7899i n&#432&#7899c. Ph&#7843i nghi&ecirc;m tr&#7883 t&#7845t c&#7843 nh&#7919ng k&#7867 b&#7845t li&ecirc;m, b&#7845t k&#7875 ch&uacute;ng l&agrave; ai, l&agrave;m g&igrave;, &#7903 c&#432&#417ng v&#7883 n&agrave;o. Ph&aacute;p lu&#7853t ph&#7843i th&#7859ng tay tr&#7915ng tr&#7883 b&#7845t li&ecirc;m v&agrave; nh&#7919ng k&#7867 b&#7845t li&ecirc;m...</font><br /> <br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman">Bao &#273i&#7873u c&#259n d&#7863n &#273&oacute; c&#7911a Ng&#432&#7901i, nh&#7845t l&agrave; su&#7889t 24 n&#259m li&#7873n tr&ecirc;n c&#432&#417ng v&#7883 Ch&#7911 t&#7883ch &#272&#7843ng, Ch&#7911 t&#7883ch N&#432&#7899c, Ng&#432&#7901i kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 n&oacute;i v&agrave; vi&#7871t m&agrave; c&ograve;n th&#7921c h&agrave;nh, n&ecirc;u t&#7845m g&#432&#417ng m&#7851u m&#7921c cho ch&uacute;ng ta noi theo v&#7873 khoa h&#7885c - d&acirc;n ch&#7911 - &#273&#7841o &#273&#7913c trong l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o v&agrave; c&#7847m quy&#7873n./.</font><br /> <font size="3" face="Times New Roman"><mytubeelement data="{&quot;bundle&quot;:{&quot;label_delimitor&quot;:&quot;:&quot;,&quot;percentage&quot;:&quot;%&quot;,&quot;smart_buffer&quot;:&quot;Smart Buffer&quot;,&quot;start_playing_when_buffered&quot;:&quot;Start playing when buffered&quot;,&quot;sound&quot;:&quot;Sound&quot;,&quot;desktop_notification&quot;:&quot;Desktop Notification&quot;,&quot;continuation_on_next_line&quot;:&quot;-&quot;,&quot;loop&quot;:&quot;Loop&quot;,&quot;only_notify&quot;:&quot;Only Notify&quot;,&quot;estimated_time&quot;:&quot;Estimated Time&quot;,&quot;global_preferences&quot;:&quot;Global Preferences&quot;,&quot;no_notification_supported_on_your_browser&quot;:&quot;No notification style supported on your browser version&quot;,&quot;video_buffered&quot;:&quot;Video Buffered&quot;,&quot;buffered&quot;:&quot;Buffered&quot;,&quot;hyphen&quot;:&quot;-&quot;,&quot;buffered_message&quot;:&quot;The video has been buffered as requested and is ready to play.&quot;,&quot;not_supported&quot;:&quot;Not Supported&quot;,&quot;on&quot;:&quot;On&quot;,&quot;off&quot;:&quot;Off&quot;,&quot;click_to_enable_for_this_site&quot;:&quot;Click to enable for this site&quot;,&quot;desktop_notification_denied&quot;:&quot;You have denied permission for desktop notification for this site&quot;,&quot;notification_status_delimitor&quot;:&quot;;&quot;,&quot;error&quot;:&quot;Error&quot;,&quot;adblock_interferance_message&quot;:&quot;Adblock (or similar extension) is known to interfere with SmartVideo. 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Ngày 14-12, Ban Thường vụ Thành Đoàn đã phối hợp với Bộ Tư lệnh Thành phố, Trung đoàn Gia Định tổ chức ngày hội Thanh niên khỏe khu vực lực lượng vũ trang và hành trình “Tiếp lửa truyền thống” với chủ đề “Tự hào người chiến sĩ quân đội nhân dân Việt Nam”.

Agile Việt Nam